četvrtak, 3. svibnja 2012.

How to set the picture?

The frames are usually put pictures, but you can play and other facilities to create or emphasize fine details in your home.
The text will underline what we want to emphasize, in the apartment - Frame. It may not be just a picture, you can frame even the small window, a lamp or unusual collection. If you can not afford the originals esteemed artists, get cheaper prints, serigraphs, and you can hang on the wall and modern billboards and posters, successful image of your family, an interesting children's drawings, large maps, photos of pets.

Experiment repetition of motifs and materials različtim. The frame will adjust the case, and offers a wide selection in ordinary supermarkets. When setting up the pictures make up rules to achieve harmony or special effects.
A large number of small frames with pictures nice and interesting work

Where to post pictures?

The ideal surface for painting is painted white wall or at least one color. Wallpaper with a strong pattern of acting aggressively and are not a good foundation for the picture, but if you already have such a solution, give a picture frame with a so-called. Passepartout, a wide border of white paper or cloth in natural color. Paspartu you can use if you frame the small picture: all of them in the same frame with Passepartout, and bundle in the wall.
The modern, digitally processed images can be combined with different design styles

Tips for proper placement of pictures and photos

The framework chosen by the image should not be changed.
Pictures set to be in sight - not too high, you have to stretch your neck, nor too low, that it obscures some of the furniture
In general, picture frames should be in line with some distinctive lines in the room - window frames, doors or cabinets
Very different images agree in size so that the outer edges of groups constitute a regular geometric shape (square, rectangle, triangle), the amendment will achieve smaller and larger images. Or at least hold a straight line, the bottom or top

I put a mirror in an interesting framework achieves an interesting effect

Here are some tips:
Sloping work best pictures on the wall by the stairs
Large separate images put at eye level
Small images scattered around the house will not impress anyone, but if you group them and put in the same or similar frames, can become the main place in the room
Images that share a similar theme always look good when put together
Take advantage of wall mounted lighting to highlight your favorite photos
To decide how to deploy them on the wall and to all a good balance, Arrange the pictures on the first floor, choose the best combination, and then transfer the pattern on the wall.

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