četvrtak, 11. travnja 2013.

Feng Shui in your home

The ancient oriental art of interior environment and home Feng Shui, the ancient oriental art of achieving harmony Careful arrangement of objects, finds its followers in the Western world. These sources of the influence of Feng Shui 'Think ment on architecture and housing.

 Worried about your career? Having trouble in love life? The main cause of your problems can be decorating your home experts say the ancient Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui.  Donald Trump is used. Virgin Airlines, the Bank of England, the United Nations has accepted. Even Big Brother, the American hit TV series uses ideas borrowed from this ancient art. But what is actually Feng Shui. "Feng Shui teaches us how to create harmony and balance around us," says Stanley Bartlett, who used this art in design houses and jobs.  This idea takes us back at least 3000 years are yet while growing number of architects and decorators integrate Feng Shui ideas with designing buildings.  Feng Shui is a perceptual art. Designers and decorators claim that they can "feel the" positive energy - called ch'i. But architects who combine Eastern philosophy are not guided only by intuition. This ancient art prescribes long and complex rules that can be modern homeowners act as ordinary sale. For example, your house should not be built at the end of the impasse. Round poles are better than square. Ceilings should be high and well lighted.  As further confusion for the uninitiated, there are several different ways to exercise Feng Shui:  Use a compass to determine the best places in the room  Plot information from Chinese horoscope  Examine the surrounding geography, streets, waterways and building  using modern equipment to determine whether harmful environment influences the health, ie, whether there is electromagnetic radiation or toxic agents  use some variant of tools called Ba-Gua, octagonal maps showing the best position in a room  , even the worst exercises have the basics in general sense. For example, Feng Shui principles warn that the kitchen door does not need to look at the furnace. The reason? A person who works near the furnace can be wished for that instinctively looked at the back door. It creates a feeling of narrowness, which can lead to accidents.  "Everything is connected to everything," says Bartlett. "If you pay attention to our surroundings, we can find examples in our lives 'm. When you move the bed we also maintaining our' relationship with the things around us in a way that can not be described with words."  Despite the many complicated rules, Feng Shui adapt to many architectural styles. Indeed, one clean, uncluttered appearance can be important 'only evidence that the house or office designed by Feng Shui principles.  How to design a house with Feng Shui?  Ancient principles of Feng Shui has grown to numerous complicated rules. Either way, you can combine the positive ch'i (energy) in your home leading to the following:

 Choose a square or pravougaoini plot for construction. Views on water pad 'mode are particularly desirable. 
  •  Place the front door so that they are easily accessible from the street. But the path to the door should not follow a straight line. 
  •  Make only one entry door. Never make two doors or two driveway. 
  •  Avoid rock gardens or obstacles near the approach path. 
  •  Keep decorative fence just around the pitch, not in the plot. 
  •  Consult the Ba-Gua map to choose a most harmonious parts of the room. 
  •  Try to have a high, well-lighted ceilings, ceiling. 
  •  Lay special attention to the layout of doors, windows and alon ¡ta. 
  •  Avoid long corridors and awkward or tight fundamentals. 
  •  Think 'any objects on the relationship between light, color and tonality. Avoid strong light or dark, monotone color vision scheme. 
  •  Always strive for clean lines and open spaces. Strive to be your new home away from the noise and ruin.

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