četvrtak, 11. travnja 2013.

How to save electricity?

How to save on electricity? Novo electricity price rises will be felt by many as an additional blow to the already depleted pockets. How to succeed as much as to reduce the impact of price increases on household budgets? The answer lies in the savings! increasing number of devices used in households consume more electricity, and these alone, and accounts at the end of the month are getting bigger.Here are a few short and practical advice on how to save significant funds:

Wait accumulates "full" dish that is not spun in half or even emptier. Machine wash at lower temperatures because of the use of new, modern detergents equally well be washed at 30 ° C instead of 40 or 60 ° C. Besides saving energy, and prolong the life of the garment. Additional savings and a choice of a short wash program. Laundry In most electricity is consumed to heat water. So use those pills for preventing tartar because heaters will work more efficiently and spend less. If possible, connect the machine to the hot water supply, so you'll save considerably. If you are buying a new machine, then be sure to purchase one with the energy efficiency of A or A + grade. DISHWASHERAnd here is true most of the rules as well as a washing machine. Do not use two or three plates and a few glasses. I prefer to wash by hand. If mguće, dish connected to the flow of hot water because it will save you a lot faster because of the heat and water in general, wash at a lower temperature (unless the dishes is not very greasy and dirty). If you are buying a new machine make sure it is a high energy efficiency.IRON everyone knows this already, but to reiterate, the iron is almost the largest consumer of electricity. currents and therefore in terms of iron when electricity is cheap. As soon as you turn the iron to avoid unnecessary spending power and waiting for that hot iron for delicate items that it goes to a lower temperature. Later iron for everything else. pays to buy good quality iron with a teflon base and "smart" because regulators use considerably less electricity. current. Laundry drying nicely flatten because you will later need less ironing. If it is too dry, moisten slightly ga (spray) because the water board will be easier (shorter) and with less power consumption. VACUUM CLEANER Generally, the rule is, the more expensive = better! The more expensive models are generally more effective, with almost the same power consumption. Always check the bags, because when they are full, the device consumes more power, ie power, and the same thing with the hose. Make sure it is well attached and well "DIHTA." Before vacuuming terrain preparation, Part the furniture and the like so as not to waste time on it until the cleaner is working. television, video, radio, computer ... An increasing number of multimedia devices significantly increases the power consumption of each household. For many situations we ourselves are guilty and therefore get rid of some bad habits. Do not turn on the TV as soon as you enter the apartment because it is in most cases totally unnecessary. If you have two or more TV's do not switch them all. Many leave the computer turned on because they are something "took off" during the night or while they were at work. Screen savers do not save electricity, but only the screen. So if you some time to work on the computer, turn it off. STANDBY mode is a big consumer of putting out all my devices via the remote, but the device is still involved in the so-called.Standby mode. The fact that he spends so very, very little power, 2-10 W, rare consume more than 10W. However, the problem is the number of devices that today more and the number of days, so when you multiply all the numbers to get to rub your eyes and you can not believe. If you add up the household and the number of cell phones that charger for mobile phones and assume that they are all constantly plugged in, if they are securely connected TVs, DVD player, satellite signal receiver, stereo, PC, PC speakers, printers, phones, and fax machines ... It is the order of consumption of close to 100 watts! Multiply that times 24 hours and 365 days and arrive at the figure of 876 kW, which is at the latest price (1.45 £) as £ 1270! addition to these devices, significant electricity savings can be achieved by choosing energy saving light bulbs, but we We have already written and read at the link. Significant savings brings a proper relationship with kitchen facilities, an issue learn more in the article Saving Electric?? no energy in the kitchen. Hopefully, we provide you with these few tips "open" the eyes and you'll be know how to deal with the higher cost of electricity.

Bacteria in Your Kitchen

Believe it or not, but in our homes has several different germs, bacteria and toxic substances than outside them. Declare war intruders and make a home healthy and pleasant to live. 
One out of ten people each year suffer from food poisoning, most often at home. In 80 percent of cases, the cause of poisoning comes from your own kitchen. But there are simple rules of hygiene and the maintenance of order that most problems can be avoided.

cooked and prepared food is not put in contact with raw, yet unprepared food. When you save the remains of cooked food, cool them as quickly as possible, preferably in less than 90 minutes. Speed ​​up the process so that a dish of food you put in cold water.
Do not leave the liquid and mushy food in the cupboards, as they are an ideal place for the development of germs. Remove food, sanitize cabinets and leave them to dry.
pets away from the kitchen, and after touching any pet, no matter how clean and sleek, hand wash with soap. According to research, one in five families allow their pets to walk through the area where food is prepared. That is unacceptable, if you want to have a healthy kitchen. most types of Escherichia is completely harmless, but a few are dangerous and should be taken food in the fridge Many of us are not sure how long food can be safely stored in the refrigerator. On average refrigerator temperature (5 degrees Celsius), leftovers can be held on one day. Minced meat and sausages are kept for two days, chicken and shrimp up to three days, and the meat in large chunks to five days. Milk, cheese, butter and eggs do not use after the expiry date printed on the packaging. TIPS FOR CLEANING To clean various surfaces in the kitchen, do not use the same cloth. If chopping board, work surfaces and tiles clean the same cloth, will expand germs throughout the kitchen. Regularly replace kitchen cloths and sponges. Damp dishtowel best place for breeding of germs and can contain huge quantities. When you wash your hands, the better it is dry with paper towels. To clear dishes do not use cloth. Dishes washed with clean hot water and allow to dry. DANGEROUS HANDLES Handles are the most suitable place for the transfer of germs. Nevertheless, showed a Western studies, as many as 25% of people should never clean. ADVICE MORE for food storage bags you use to maintain food fresh. They slow down the aging process food as they prevent moisture penetration and the formation of bacteria. Do not use the same utensils for all kinds of foods. For example, cutting different kinds of foods, use different boards (can be different colors to make them easier to distinguish), which will prevent mutual contamination.source of bacteria and infection can also be containers for salt and pepper. Used by the entire family and guests and are always close to the food, so they need to be regularly maintained. Nevertheless, even by 84% of people do not clean or once a week

Tips for a beautiful garden

1 long, narrow gardens, avoid hall effect by keeping them divided into several smaller units separated by eaves or bamboo screens. Each part can create different plants of different colors and shapes, and so give a special atmosphere, or a variety of functions. For example, in one part of the set up tables and chairs, to another ligeštul. Another solution is to set paths, diagonally across the garden, which will run from one view to the other end and thus create a sense of width.

2 Invest in an external heater. Bake the best look in the rustic and rural gardens, but there are also more modern models that can be integrated into other styles. Choose a small stove that can be placed on the terrace or plateau. 3 Create Cozy seating area, hidden from neighboring views, pergola covered with creepers. 4 Expand the garden path to a meter wide if you have plants that cascade over the track.Paved trails look great, but think about the gravel or schist as the ideal materials for winding paths. If the garden square or rectangular in shape, avoid the path set exactly in the middle so they will look uninteresting. Move it to the side, or let it be tortuous. Also, plant some more plants to hide the rest of the garden from view and thus create a mystical feeling. 5 Enter the amount and structure of small trees in the garden. The canopy will provide space for birds and beneficial insects. For small spaces, select a compact timber, eg blossoming cherry tree. Be sure to first read the information on the height and width of the tree you can reach. If you still want tall tree protection from neighboring views, and which at the same time not over-throw a shadow on the garden, chose from silver birch. 6 Always on the end of the run set up a focal point, for example, a sculpture or a large plant, how to attract the eye and stressed space. You can set the path to the end of a pond or a table and chairs for relaxation and dining. 7 Do not like to mow the grass? Replace partially or fully gravel, pebbles or chopped clams below which will set geotextile suppressing weeds. Add some garden sculptures, garden fountains, but do not overdo it too much decoration will look messy and complicated. 8 backing boards are pretty, but require maintenance. Every season, coat them with a protective layer. 9 Consider setting routes in the Mediterranean style, which always looks nice. 10 Make the first impression is marvelous. Place large pots or flower pots with trees or bushes by the front door. 11 Make a miniature pond to revive dull corner of the garden. Such a place will attract critters, and providing interesting planting aquatic plants. leje 12 lose color intensity as the summer goes by. Plan ahead and plant some late thriving plants in addition to the usual, or plant flowers in a jar to take with you when the garden begins to grow weary. 13 in the bottom of the garden set outdoor furniture or gazebo. Select an airy structure before heavy, solid construction, and in a color to match the surrounding greenery. Additional 14 seating are always welcome, especially when you have more guests. Benches with storage space under the lid are very useful, as well as cases in which you can place the pillows. 15 spray paint the wooden elements in the garden to get painted accents, or ofarbajte green until they are covered with creepers. 16 Allow children to choose their chairs and coffee table. This will make them colorful elements in the outdoors a lot more attractive. ordinary garden 17 Do plateau interesting by placing colorful furniture.Tablecloth in bright, cheerful colors will bring a positive atmosphere, especially when paired with colorful cushions for the chairs. 18 Jingle bells bring good luck, experts say feng sui. In any case it will mask the sounds of cars and make the atmosphere. Decorate jars and 19 leje figures of flowers and insects on wires and rods. 20 Privacy is very important, especially if your garden have neighbors from the upper floors. However, the high trees, besides the view, block the sun, so we recommend making canopies over that will let you grow climbing roses, vines and Clematis. retaining elements 21 Use the form below lei pyramids that are in the growth phase to obtain a richer look while not quite form a.attention from the 22 uninteresting walls Jardiniere and placing a pot of flowers. Planting flowers in bright colors, and the shadowy pass select white and light-pink flowers. 23 Aromatherapy is not just for the bathroom. Fragrant garden has a relaxing effect on the body. Rosemary and lavender are known for their relaxing properties, and there are many flowering plants that will savor throughout the summer. Maintain 24 hanging pots fresh by going to the bottom of the plate and set an old piece of PVC bags. This will prevent the water to drain off. Watering them every day, and if they are in areas exposed to the sun and twice a day. Trave 25 are currently in trend. The garden entries color, texture and elegance when slightly in the wind. lure 26 birdies and other critters by placing feeders and bowls with water. hold 27 large cushions for the chairs in plastic boxes that will protect them from moisture when not in use. 28 If you do not have time consuming maintenance of plants, plant resistant shrubs that will add color to the garden and will not require much care. 29 Buy some games, such as bowling, or water pistols for youngsters. 30 Use reflectors to turn attention to a focal point in the garden . Point them to the tree from the bottom of the tree, or behind a large showy plant to highlight her silhouette.31 Create a shimmering effect so you'll pull strings of lamps, for example, those for the Christmas tree, through the trees and bushes. Unplug them at night because of the light pollution that can be harmful to the living world. Parasol 32 is essential for summer days. Choose between cloth and those of cane or bamboo. 33 Take a corner of the garden for children. Provide them a plastic tool and seeds resistant fast-growing plants such as sunflower, beans ... 34 Use the mirrors to optically enlarge a small garden.A popular trick is to make a bow from the wooden beams across which will let you grow climbing roses and similar plants, and to place a mirror that will make it look as if the garden goes through an arch covered with flowers. Equally good looking and painted wall. 35 When choosing pots, keep in mind that those of porous clay dry out much faster than plastic. Because they pan inside a plastic bag, which you pre-drill to excess water could drain off. Metal pots are heated quickly, so that they plant plants that are resistant to heat and dryness, as yucca or aromatic herbs. 36 in the bottom of the pond set up a special underwater lamp that will operate at night and magically attract you to stay in the garden. 37 Give old chairs new look by going to repaint them in a dark, vibrant color. Ofarbajte special colors and trims in textiles. swing Deck 38 is still an essential element for a lazy afternoon. Slip 39 in the garden relaxing sound of water so you will need to install a small fountain. lovely 40 Get watering can. So will this job be a real pleasure, and the plants will be grateful for the regular meal. terrazzo Make 41. He does not have to be associated with the house, especially if the garden facing north, and terrazzo is next to the house, because then most of their time in the shade and you will not take full advantage of the sunny days. Therefore, choose a sunny spot to set records, and make the stone paths that lead to it. 42 small wooden carts will bring an old-fashioned charm to any garden. On them you can place the jars with flowers. Decorative 43 animal sculptures will bring humor and color to your garden. Bell 44, but the real thing, it will be the entrance to the garden a nostalgic touch. 45 Change the look of the box for the tool so that it will be repainted. You can opt for any design or style. creepers 46 Cover the box. 47 Remove the cover story from the view of a stable you can set up a hanging jars with flowers ga or both.Liven up boring 48 tiles or blocks. Remove a few, spread mortar cover, in the form of mosaic tiles broken push in a different color, shells or stones. 49 Invest in a good barbecue. During the summer months, this will certainly be the subject of the most widely used in the garden, and you will become a favorite host among his friends. 50 large pots with plants that easy to succeed and do not require much care, such as houseleek, effective as when exposed separately in sunny parts of the garden.

Tips for your bathroom

The family apartments or houses bathroom must reflect the fact that the common area. Each family member must be safely and comfortably use the bathroom, and must find a place for cosmetics, sink, swimming equipment.

 Creating a place to store things that becomes a matter of creative use of space around the custom and a maximum of used walls. Barriers in the bathroom for example, create a space for shelves, and sinks and toilets can be installed whole cabinet. If you want a less customized look, use open shelves, a cabinet. Make it easy for life to children and the elderly custom handrails near the tub.
 To reduce rush in certain parts of the day, it is good to divide space or hot tub, install another sink, so that more than one person can use the bathroom. Separate WC reduces crowd  Bathroom is not used just for a quick shower before going to work or school. It is a place where you can relax, ulepšati, gather before or after a number of obligations. Imaginative and dramatic decorative themes have proved particularly successful in the bathrooms because they do not spend a lot of time every day.And since they are relatively small, offering free use of unusual processing such as mosaics, which in most areas look very nice. required some form of shade on the windows. The simplest is to use the windows of milk, brushed or cut glass. Milky glass is offered in a number of samples, a cut can be customized to your design preferences. Striped pattern or round parts of clear glass (like the side of the ship) to cut the windows look spectacular. The windows of colored glass fulfill space, constantly changing shadows and colors, but they are very expensive and it is only possible in small areas. Another example is the use of curtain fabric or wooden blinds, curtain on the lower part of the high windows or soft pleated draperies. Lights should be placed so that your silhouette at night can not see.Try to agree on the edges of the room, not in the center. If you are not at risk from prying eyes, the shadows in the windows do not need.  Kupatilski equipment  probably will not have much choice in the nesting kupatilskih elements. Toilets must be close to drain sewage, which was installed when the house was built and is quite expensive for relocation. And other sanitary fittings must be placed so that their drains easily connect to the main drain. Building codes require their placement of where would be the least visible (highlight), which is often at the back of the house.  Nevertheless, it is important to draw a plan space measures because it is the only way to explore the area around the useful elements.Generally, you need at least 70 cm of free floor space in front of the tub or shower that provides a comfortable entry and exit. Next, you need a 60 cm in front of the toilet and bidet. Sinks require about 70 cm of usable space to stoop over them any easier, and at least 15 cm on each side. These areas overlap in all bathrooms, except in the largest. In areas of low or sloping ceilings check whether there is enough height.  solutions for small bathrooms  Baths in some apartments can be small to 2.25 m2 surface area, so you need to be cost-effective and creative use of space. The traditional approach is masonry bathtubs, sinks and toilets. The room looks neat, and creates extra space for shelving and cabinets. Alternatively, sink and toilet can be hanging on the wall.  tubs and sinks smaller sizes are readily available, but very uncomfortable to use. When there is no room for a shower, leave the bath and lock the shower wall, until the walls and floor tiled or covered with a waterproof material and drain set in the floor. Then the door thresholds must be protected against the passage of water so she stayed in the room, and accessories such as towels protected in closets where it remains dry.  showering area that forms part of the bedroom is a good way to create a second bathroom. It can be placed in built-in wardrobe or built into a fenced corner room. In both cases, the design must be such as to ensure that water can not go to another part of the room. in family apartments or houses bathroom must reflect the fact that the common area. Each family member must be safely and comfortably use the bathroom, and must find a place for cosmetics, sink, swimming equipment.  Creating places for storage becomes a matter of creative use of space around the custom and a maximum of used walls. Barriers in the bathroom for example, create a space for shelves, and sinks and toilets can be installed whole cabinet.If you want a less customized look, use open shelves, a cabinet. Make it easy for life to children and the elderly custom handrails near the tub.  To reduce rush in certain parts of the day, it is good to divide space or hot tub, install another sink, so that more than one person can use the bathroom. Separate WC reduces crowd  Bathroom is not used just for a quick shower before going to work or school. It is a place where you can relax, ulepšati, gather before or after a number of obligations. Imaginative and dramatic decorative themes have proved particularly successful in the bathrooms because they do not spend a lot of time every day. And since they are relatively small, offering free use of unusual processing such as mosaics, which in most areas look very nice. required some form of shade on the windows. The simplest is to use the windows of milk, brushed or cut glass. Milky glass is offered in a number of samples, a cut can be customized to your design preferences. Striped pattern or round parts of clear glass (like the side of the ship) to cut the windows look spectacular. The windows of colored glass fulfill space, constantly changing shadows and colors, but they are very expensive and it is only possible in small areas.  Another example is the use of curtain fabric or wooden blinds, curtain on the lower part of the high windows or soft pleated draperies. Lights should be placed so that your silhouette at night can not see. Try to agree on the edges of the room, not in the center. If you are not at risk from prying eyes, the shadows in the windows do not need.  Kupatilski equipment  probably will not have much choice in the nesting kupatilskih elements. Toilets must be close to drain sewage, which was installed when the house was built and is quite expensive for relocation. And other sanitary fittings must be placed so that their drains easily connect to the main drain. Building codes require their placement of where would be the least visible (highlight), which is often at the back of the house. Nevertheless, it is important to draw a plan space measures because it is the only way to explore the area around the useful elements. Generally, you need at least 70 cm of free floor space in front of the tub or shower that provides a comfortable entry and exit. Next, you need a 60 cm in front of the toilet and bidet. Sinks require about 70 cm of usable space to stoop over them any easier, and at least 15 cm on each side. These areas overlap in all bathrooms, except in the largest. In areas of low or sloping ceilings check whether there is enough height.  solutions for small bathrooms  Baths in some apartments can be small to 2.25 m2 surface area, so you need to be cost-effective and creative use of space. The traditional approach is masonry bathtubs, sinks and toilets. The room looks neat, and creates extra space for shelving and cabinets. Alternatively, sink and toilet can be hanging on the wall. tubs and sinks smaller sizes are readily available, but very uncomfortable to use. When there is no room for a shower, leave the bath and lock the shower wall, until the walls and floor tiled or covered with a waterproof material and drain set in the floor. Then the door thresholds must be protected against the passage of water so she stayed in the room, and accessories such as towels protected in closets where it remains dry.  showering area that forms part of the bedroom is a good way to create a second bathroom. It can be placed in built-in wardrobe or built into a fenced corner room. In both cases, the design must be such as to ensure that water can not go to another part of the room.Everything you need to equip bathrooms: After preparing the installation and to grade surface, followed by lining the walls and floors. They can cover: ceramic tiles, granite tiles, mosaic or stone.Also, the parts that are not covered, you can paint over vodoperivim colors. choosing and setting toilets. Depending on your needs and the size of the bathroom, choose the appropriate sanitation.Various models are available toilet pan, the console cup, monoblocks, up to standard, floor pan. With it you can take and supporting bidet. Sink you choose to meet your aesthetic and dimensional criteria.It is preferable to buy sanitation same manufacturer, in order to avoid the possibility of differences of color and design. Bath or shower, perpetual dilemma. Although showers adapted modern, busy lifestyle, where they Idalje "champions" in oslobđjanju stress and endless splatter, surrounded by scented bubbles. In those moments of decision, the most important thing is to consider the size of your room and what should be the better fit. Too small tubs have no relaxing effect (as many) and in this case the cabin better choice. If you size bathrooms allowing both, think about your personal habits and needs. The choice is entirely an individual matter. faucets and showers. Here aesthetics plays the smallest role. Quality and functionality define this option. Do not forget that along with these products necessary to take warranty certificate! Kupatilski furniture and Accessories. Cabinets to store towels, cosmetics and chemistry, mirrors, lighting, soap holders, toothbrush, bulldozers ... all the supporting elements required in each bathroom. The choice of these elements are mostly based on personal taste and integration into existing interior bathrooms. Believe it or not, and a small bathroom in your home can be a big enough and functional if wisely take advantage of the space and use the little tricks. So, for example, instead of bathtubs that you took half kupatilca, install a shower that can smartly fill one Čoša.  Moreover, a good solution for small bathrooms are new washing machine with a supercharged above that are narrower than the classic, and at the same time you no doors will not occupy additional space.  At her small bathroom Avoid dark colors. Turning it into a lighter color, preferably white, because that way you will visually enlarge the space. You can also play around and between the white tiles to place an order with a border in a bright color, which are now in the trend. At the same time they are not as expensive piece of trimming costs between 200 and 450 dinars.  kupatilcu His refined look, you can give so that you installed with a pedestal sink, or, better yet, a glass sink that looks glamorous, but it is more difficult to maintain. In combination with a mirror on the wall, which will also visually enlarge the space, delovaće lavishly.  Finally, the most important is that your kupatilce block up unnecessary trifles they will look even smaller.  mirrors, shelves and wire baskets Washing best solution for small bathrooms are shelves from floor to ceiling where you will be able to dispose of all the necessary things.  Ensure that at least some of the shelves were closed, and at the same time, if the cabinets as shown have a built-in laundry basket, it's a hit. This tall cabinet "Madrid" in "Kiki" costs 21,900 dinars. Also, functional solution for a small bathroom is a mirror behind which is actually located shelves. Wall cabinet with mirror, which has its own light (pictured) in "Kiki" costs 11.790 din. Cose FOR shower  in the last few years, shower cubicle with cabin became a hit. Em up less space than traditional tubs, em have connectors, such as radio and blenders. At the same time, the glass doors on the shower give the illusion of more space, and as their preferred vendors listed and significantly lower water consumption because the cabin less you keep. It is best to vouch for a shower with sand blasted glass, which is easier to maintain.  HIDDEN CISTERN  If you put in your kupatilce cistern installation, you will get more space, and in doing so, and your favorite corner look nicer. The truth is that this luxury will have to allocate more money, but because you will be able to be controlled by water consumption. Built cisterns cost of 10,000 dinars, but not complaining, but before purchasing you inform the master. If you want a cheaper solution, then you are the ideal mono blocks, which also look good. 

How from small apartment get more?

As it is now, and every square inch of the apartment, and how important, and most can not be profligate living space, it is important to know how flat it better and more convenient to edit it and at least visually increase.

If you live in a small apartment modest rooms need to have multiple functions, and Net gives advice to them proper choice of furniture and play of colors make it bigger.  With a few tricks you'll see that it's not so hard!  Use bright colors, they open space  Paint the walls illumination were color because they will get to space. It is important that the carpet and bed are in the same color as a patchwork itself visually reduces the space. Mandatory ceiling paint in white and never, absolutely never pull the white lines between the ceiling and the walls because you do it so lower than it is.  Shelves are always welcome  all know that space for things never enough. Therefore, make the most of every opportunity, and the walls above the beds, televisions or computers set up simple shelves that can hold books, souvenirs or other trinkets, toys and children 's room. Everything will be close at hand, yet will enhance any room.  drawers under the bed  in a small room every inch is important, therefore it is very practical to have drawers under the bed, in which you keep the bedding and various supplies.  furniture on the dots is desirable  recommended that the room you have as many pieces of furniture in the dots.This will have no trouble to move a chair or dresser, no retreat and strike, which is very convenient. cabinet to ceiling  Proper selection of furniture plays an important role as well in small rooms, so you have to keep in mind that space is not cluttered . That's why instead of two lower cabinets, choose a higher, to the ceiling. Also Avoid bulky furniture for sitting. 

Feng Shui in your home

The ancient oriental art of interior environment and home Feng Shui, the ancient oriental art of achieving harmony Careful arrangement of objects, finds its followers in the Western world. These sources of the influence of Feng Shui 'Think ment on architecture and housing.

 Worried about your career? Having trouble in love life? The main cause of your problems can be decorating your home experts say the ancient Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui.  Donald Trump is used. Virgin Airlines, the Bank of England, the United Nations has accepted. Even Big Brother, the American hit TV series uses ideas borrowed from this ancient art. But what is actually Feng Shui. "Feng Shui teaches us how to create harmony and balance around us," says Stanley Bartlett, who used this art in design houses and jobs.  This idea takes us back at least 3000 years are yet while growing number of architects and decorators integrate Feng Shui ideas with designing buildings.  Feng Shui is a perceptual art. Designers and decorators claim that they can "feel the" positive energy - called ch'i. But architects who combine Eastern philosophy are not guided only by intuition. This ancient art prescribes long and complex rules that can be modern homeowners act as ordinary sale. For example, your house should not be built at the end of the impasse. Round poles are better than square. Ceilings should be high and well lighted.  As further confusion for the uninitiated, there are several different ways to exercise Feng Shui:  Use a compass to determine the best places in the room  Plot information from Chinese horoscope  Examine the surrounding geography, streets, waterways and building  using modern equipment to determine whether harmful environment influences the health, ie, whether there is electromagnetic radiation or toxic agents  use some variant of tools called Ba-Gua, octagonal maps showing the best position in a room  , even the worst exercises have the basics in general sense. For example, Feng Shui principles warn that the kitchen door does not need to look at the furnace. The reason? A person who works near the furnace can be wished for that instinctively looked at the back door. It creates a feeling of narrowness, which can lead to accidents.  "Everything is connected to everything," says Bartlett. "If you pay attention to our surroundings, we can find examples in our lives 'm. When you move the bed we also maintaining our' relationship with the things around us in a way that can not be described with words."  Despite the many complicated rules, Feng Shui adapt to many architectural styles. Indeed, one clean, uncluttered appearance can be important 'only evidence that the house or office designed by Feng Shui principles.  How to design a house with Feng Shui?  Ancient principles of Feng Shui has grown to numerous complicated rules. Either way, you can combine the positive ch'i (energy) in your home leading to the following:

 Choose a square or pravougaoini plot for construction. Views on water pad 'mode are particularly desirable. 
  •  Place the front door so that they are easily accessible from the street. But the path to the door should not follow a straight line. 
  •  Make only one entry door. Never make two doors or two driveway. 
  •  Avoid rock gardens or obstacles near the approach path. 
  •  Keep decorative fence just around the pitch, not in the plot. 
  •  Consult the Ba-Gua map to choose a most harmonious parts of the room. 
  •  Try to have a high, well-lighted ceilings, ceiling. 
  •  Lay special attention to the layout of doors, windows and alon ¡ta. 
  •  Avoid long corridors and awkward or tight fundamentals. 
  •  Think 'any objects on the relationship between light, color and tonality. Avoid strong light or dark, monotone color vision scheme. 
  •  Always strive for clean lines and open spaces. Strive to be your new home away from the noise and ruin.

How to refresh a home?

There is very little to be done in order to refresh the energy of the home! Through the materials, textures and colors, we can change the energy of any space. Here are a few small suggestions which would be taken into account when designing a home.

 First Allow as much light enters the hall
Light hall symbolizes the expansion of space at the entrance to your home, which allows free movement from one room to another. Avoid the obstacles in front of the door, such as light barriers around which must be bypassed to reach the next room. "Opening" of space, we get the impression that the area around the front door is much higher.  2nd Take advantage of what you already have in your apartment do not have to always alter what is already in your home. Sometimes it can be taken and the other set of entirely new problems if too innovate. Try to elaborate on what kind of space you already have. Each space can be transformed into a well-designed and thoughtful when to play with a range of different materials. For example, using darker tiles to the floor in the bathroom, to get an impression of a strong and stable area, and lighter tiles for the walls to visually enlarge the space. For an impression of the amount of space, are using vertical striped patterns. To get an impression of deep space use the mirrors. Play different types of lighting.  third Tap into and combine colors and materials, use of materials can change your mood depending on how you prefer a combination of materials in space. Carpets give a feeling of softness interior and offering the ability to easily change the color and texture depending on how you want to decorate the space. Darker colors give a soothing feeling, they absorb a larger part of the ambient light in the room and create a relaxing environment.Bright colors on the other hand offer vibrancy and refreshing décor. When choosing the type of flooring materials, it is important to understand the differences in the visualization space. Lining of marble or stone, giving rooms an elegant look, but if it is not combined with soft furniture, IT can create a feeling of cold space, or jin. Wood provides a warm room and goes well with light colors with furniture, and appropriate selection of carpet can break the monotony of space. Another way to soften the look of the space is to introduce curtains and soft furniture, which not only affect the color of the environment, but can be used for decoration of wall surfaces and in order to avoid stiff décor.  4th The full use of light Light is a vital source of energy and a key element for decorating any space. Depending on what we are trying to achieve, light can help to highlight certain areas or dying in the room.  in the living spaces, use warm white lighting to soften the space, because it gives a yellowish color in the room. For the workspace to use natural daylight, as it gives strength and concentration of productive work. to highlight certain areas of rooms, use halogen lamps, low voltage, generating binocular harnesses, and so make it possible to draw attention to certain areas that you want to emphasize .Through the play of colors, lights and materials, you are able to transform any room in your home to reflect your creativity and personal taste. Secret to achieve inner design that will be attractive and palatable, is to maintain the balance between the three main components, so that the area experiences a feeling of full satisfaction and consolation. 

The colors in your home

Purple is royalty. The mysterious color, purple is associated with nobility and spirituality. This color has a special, almost sacred place in nature: lavender, orchid, Liliana and violet are often delicate and considered valuable. Because purple is derived from a very hot and very cold colors, has both properties and is considered to be the ideal color. Purple room can rush kids' imagination and creativity of artists, but too much purple can result in depression. It is the color of people seeking spiritual fulfillment. It is said that if you surround yourself with purple you will achieve spiritual peace.This color is good for meditation.

Knowing that purple can be light, which is in fact violet, which means femininity and romance, or dark, which is deeper and more elegant tone, you should decide what effect you would like in your room. For this post I decided to go with a dark royal purple because I think it's onwards and illustrates the strong personality of the owner.  course it all depends on your taste and space editing: If you want to look regal and mysterious, then your choice should be fully purple room.  Otherwise, if you want to add style and elegant notes of your space - purple ceiling or bench are sufficient.  Purple and white. Very fancy combinations will make the room look clean. Bela will emphasize purple, making it glowing. Violet and beige are considered a combination of clay, conservative and mysterious at the same time.Also, as a neutral beige color combined with the purple make exquisite balance.  most royal combination of purple and gold. Not only because of the purple, but also because of the gold that is the color of luxury and wealth, so the best place for this combination bedroom.  Purple and yellow. As we always say in yellow, it's a sunny color that will illuminate the room so that it can be used if you feel that your room is too dark purple.  combination of purple and green is very embarrassed, certainly showing personality. Experts say that the color of a vernal combination that will cheer you up.  Purple and pink. Although I have all stated that the royal purple, mysterious and neat, dark purple can be feminine and that's what you get if you combine it with pink. This will keep the look stylish, but women's room.  Purple and Black, considering that both dark, they should be used very carefully. A small amount of both colors is perfect for a classic look. If the use of too much of one of them - a room might look too dark. Finally, I would like to add that in recent times the trend to use the line, so that when the purple lines used in combination with other colors in the same range - gets the effect of modern appears which allows you to use many colors in just one room.  's up to you to choose a color for your room, or will it be light or dark purple. Everything should start from the definition of personal needs and tastes, followed the trend. 

Red and white in your home

Let's forget about everything today and dive into a world of elegance and simplicity, shall we? Here is an article about two wonderful color that are exceptional in itself, and if you combine them you will get an outstanding mix: red & white. Who you all know red is the color of love and passion, energy and power, just think of the businessmen - they often wear red ties, or the well-known red carpet where celebrities gather in luxury events. In China, red is the color of happiness and prosperity and is used to attract good luck. While red has all the qualities of a strong, white is tender, innocent color that will make the area look clean and soothing. And now what about the combination of these two colors? This is a manifestation of elegance and leadership at the same time. Stylish and perhaps even dare feeling that causes this combination - red & white, will create the impression of taste and glamor.

 Experts say that the color red must be used to attract attention,  used for utensils, chairs and kitchen utensils, as shown above. Do not use too much red in the room, you do not want to look dark and bloody.  red, white and yellow. This I have already mentioned, but I will repeat - the sunny and cheerful design - yellow is your best friend. When combined with red and white, yellow will bring moments of calm and relaxing atmosphere. I recommend this combination for children's room or even a living room.  red, white and beige. If you have already decided to paint your walls red, focuses on the use of tender and luminous tones. A good example of this is the use of red, white and beige. In this situation, the cream will become hot property, and partially counteracted by the amount of red.  red, white and brown. Another color for heating is brown. If you decide to create a contrast, then your choice can be a combination of red, white and brown, because the screaming red color and brown neutral.  red, white and gray. Gray is as beige, neutral colors and can do that will drown if used in combination with red and white. But I will tell you that this is not true. Just look at the above photo - metallic gray adds a stylish touch of space, making it more modern. I suggest you use a combination of red, white and gray if you are planning to decorate your space in high-tech style.  red, white and black.Timeless, always a good combination of red, white and black. One thing I can tell you for sure: no matter which style you prefer and space equipment, will not be mistaken if you opt for this mix.  red, white and blue. This combination remind me of the marine style and the general view. Refreshing feeling is guaranteed by using the red, white and blue. Excellent for room for boys, along with marine details such as anchors, decorative vessels and more.  Red, white and teal. This combination is similar to the previous with the lighter shades of turquoise brighten up the space, creating a contrast with the fancy red. I hope you remember what I said about turquoise last week. What do you think about this combination? Is this your favorite, or you prefer to use these colors separately? 

Black and white in your home

Black - white combination is one of the best combinations ever. Shows elegance and style, as well as the never-dying classical beauty. Since we know a lot of white, let's see why it is black so beautiful. Although most of you associate black with grief, I suggest you all look at the bright side of this color. The use of black to show elegance, sophistication, and perhaps a bit of mystery. Council designer: black, as dark colors can make your space look smaller and that other colors look brighter.

 When you combine two colors, you can always have two views. In this case, a room decorated with black and white can be a light and stylish, if you use more white.  On the other hand, when you use more black - space will automatically look dark and mysterious. Another advice: Do not use black with some other dark color, because it will melt and result will have a dark and sad room. So, to avoid this result (and the outside is so sunny and cheerful) will focus on black & white combined with bright, summer colors.  Black, white & blue. For the weekend, this is the best combination. Light is refreshing, and reminds us of the sea that we all love.  black, white & green. What's freshness without green? For juicy look, use green, regardless of whether it comes to painting the walls or adding green details in the room.  Black, white & orange. When we talk about the juicy appearance - definitely need to use orange in combination with black and white as it will give the happy look of your room. Great for the summer period.  Black, white & yellow. Very stylish combination of black & white and yellow, it will refresh the room. Black will make the yellow came to the fore and will bring sunny feeling to your home.  black, white and pink. Pink with black and white - may seem too maiden.  Black, white and red.A passionate combination make red, white and red. This is a very fancy combinations, but do not use too much black and red because it can significantly darker area so that you do not help black. In addition, the combination of these three colors is one of the best. you have some experience in the use of black and white? I think it is worth a try, is great for any room! 

How colors affect children?

Psychological meaning of color in nursery room colors of the light spectrum and their psychological significance for children  Even the ancient Egyptians knew how colors are important for psychological well-being of people. Colors have large impact on our lives, and that we are aware of. Their influence is especially evident in those who are most vulnerable, such as children. On these colors have a twofold effect so that at the same time can be relaxing or excite.

 Therefore it is essential that children 's rooms and general areas in which they reside, are an oasis of rest and relaxation. The colors you use when decorating your home primarily as a reflection of yourself.  advisable to use a maximum of three different colors, more than that would upset the harmony and the room would seem chaotic and uncomfortable. The most important thing of all is that when choosing colors for Pediatric Service careful to regulate all the other elements. This applies to furniture, curtains, carpet, cushions and light.  If you manage to match all, be sure that your little ones will create a comfortable space for learning, relaxation and entertainment. Division colorsWarm colors  Warm colors tend to provide warmth, intimacy and relaxation. These colors create in us the feeling of closeness and comfort. However, intense warm colors like red and orange are somewhat stimulating effect on children because they encourage their energy. Children may be too restless. You can use them only as a detail in the decoration of the room. Cool colors  Most people avoid using cold colors in the students' rooms and generally in areas where they live. Light cool colors such as blue, green, light blue, blue purple and even black, have a calming effect and a wider area making it elegant and open.  recommendation is to use earth colors in the students' rooms because they are a good choice, especially for children who have problems with concentration, hyperactivity ... Earth colors give the feeling of warmth, relaxation and comfort, and thus acting soothing and positive for children.Neutral colors  beige, stone and cream colors are neutral colors, like black, white and gray. They are suitable for most of the space, especially if combined with strong shades of other colors. Neutral colors act as a blank canvas on which to paint something. If you combine them with other colors are ideal for kitchens and bathrooms because they give breathable and comfort. For pediatric room as the wall color I would not use them because we are acting a bit apathetic, maybe just a little detail in beige shades, but no more than that.  Colors of the light spectrum and their psychological significance for children Bela  mainly represents peace, joy, purity. Since it reflects almost 80% of light elements pediatric rooms look bigger than rooms painted in other colors. White color looks a bit sterile in the students' rooms, so I would not recommend it. But you can very skillfully combined with other bright colors, add a little just to be able to control the intensity of the primary colors. Orange  It has exactly the same effect as red, but to a lesser extent because combines the energy of red and yellow that brings happiness and joy . Darker shades of orange create a warm atmosphere while lighter shades of orange give spaces joy and a very good choice for children 's rooms. Green  Strengthens self-confidence and a calm, refreshing but be aware of its strength. Should not be too dark. The color tone kiwi is nice choice because it creates the feeling of serenity. Always combine it with warmer colors like red and orange. Blue  venues of peace, harmony and depth. If the use of the students' rooms must know that it slows the nervous system and produces a calming effect that prepares the body for sleep. It also enhances concentration and memory and learning ability. It can soften bright rooms giving the space a feeling of peace and serenity. On the other hand, some shades of blue can create the opposite effect and make the space seem cold and uncomfortable, especially for sleeping.  Personally, I like the warm colors and the cold does not use in areas where longer sit or sleep. If you love blue color free to use, but always with a measure, combine it with other colors to sleeping acted soothing, warm and relaxing. Purple  is often considered the color that is not good to use for sleeping or pediatric rooms because it gives a feeling of cold. Dark purple can cause the feeling of sadness and frustration, while the lighter purple can provide a sense of tranquility and romance. I've been using for a kitchen is right to say that it is very comfortable for daily gatherings. Light purple is a good choice for the girls room, with it you can never get things wrong. Yellow  stimulates, gives warmth and happiness to all areas. Using the yellow room look larger while stronger shades create the necessary heat. At home I used warm tones of yellow for the living room and hallway. Hall itself is quite dark, so it should enter into heat and light. In this way I visually expand the space was narrow.  Hopefully I have a little help in choosing colors for pediatric room and you along with your little ones enjoy playing and having fun.  

Tips for a Clean House

Vinegar cleans as well as all other cleaners, just need to mix it properly. Stir the solution: one part water and one part vinegar in a plastic spray liquid and have a solution that will clean most areas of your home. Vinegar is a great natural cleaning product as a disinfectant and deodorizer. It is safe for most surfaces and has a bonus which is incredibly cheap. But watch out, improperly diluted vinegar is an acid and can damage the surface. Never use vinegar on marble surfaces.

You can use it in the following ways: Clean bathroom - shower, toilet and sink. For toilet use pure vinegar. Pour undiluted vinegar to the inner edge of the shell. Allow the water to wash the vinegar.Under the wash water mixed with vinegar. Mixture will thoroughly clean stains or soap stains of tartar with tile. Also, with diluted vinegar can clean the kitchen and kitchen surfaces: worktop, floor and kitchen appliances and stove. When washing machine to use vinegar as a natural fabric softener. This can be especially helpful for families who have sensitive skin. Add half a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle instead of fabric softener purchase. An additional advantage of vinegar is thoroughly smashing particles detergent, which is a big plus if you have a family member whose skin detects every trace of detergent. represents another natural substance that is also very effective at cleaning. Lemon juice, you can easily remove stains from soap or lime. He was great at cleaning / polishing articles of brass or copper. Lemon juice mixed with vinegar and / or baking soda to get excellent toothpaste for cleaning.Cut the lemon in half and sprinkle baking soda on one half. Thus prepared lemon serves as a brush cleaner with which you can scrub utensils, work surfaces and stains. Half a cup of lemon juice, mix with one cup of olive oil and you have an excellent tool for polishing wooden furniture. Baking soda can be as a good tool for cleaning surfaces and any abrasive cleaners. It is also excellent as an air freshener.Put a small bowl of soda in the freezer or refrigerator to absorb odor or any other place where you want to neutralize odors. Moldy smell closet can solve if Oribe under a mixture consisting of three liters of hot water, half a cup of vinegar and ¼ cup of baking soda.  After wearing sneakers / shoes tend to have an unpleasant odor, but putting a small bag of baking soda in the shoes will help alleviate odor. To make it easy to wrap a bit of baking soda in a small piece of cloth and tie with ribbon. You will have your own bag to refresh shoe. Or you can simply put a "thumb" of baking soda in a sock, tie it and leave the shoes overnight to neutralize odors.  Also, sprinkle baking soda can directly into the shoe and leave overnight. In the morning before putting them certainly throw a soda out of a shoe. Be careful with leather and suede shoes because soda can cause softening fabrics. Using baking soda can reduce the skin's sensitivity to other products to remove

Tips for home decorating

Some homes (houses, flats) look like they rip out the pages of a magazine for interior decoration. Rooms, rooms look associated with the colors, design and proportions and layout. Could your home be as beautiful as the picture of a magazine?

These 10 tips will help you on the road in the interior design of your home. Edit the premises in such a way that they look more spacious and coherent design. Use light to improve the atmosphere and mood. Read and enjoy applying these tips on interior decoration of your home first Choose carefully the color palette. When choosing a color for the background of floors, walls, window frames and large pieces of furniture - think long term. In other words, choose a color that will not go "out of fashion" for a couple of years and the ones that you will not soon tire of. Think about colors, neutral and earth tones are safe and can be mixed with bright and subdued colors. Tones like white, beige, gold, brown, yellowish-brown are popular in fashion and stand the test of time. Changing the great things (floors, sofas, couches, walls and windows) is quite expensive adventure, so you should choose colors that will remain in trend for a couple of years ago. 2nd Layering will give the room warmth. If the room, cold room, adding layers can increase the heat. For example, add a carpet (carpet) and plug-ins that have textured Your room will immediately become hotter. You can also use a beautiful arrangement or biographical coaster on the table.  third Wise to use lights. (Lamps, chandeliers) should be placed to form a triangle, so this note when you place the lamp. Also remember that the illumination lamp produces more heat than light chandelier. Shadows of lamps that are slightly tan or yellow glow cast, a great way to add mood and sophistication space. 4th Move a sofa away from the wall. Sofa with attractive background (rear) and looks wonderful when the coffee table located next to the couch.Experiment in the house, move the couches and sofas to create a decorated look. Place 2 sofa uu V position, ie formation of the tables next to them. You can set them up so that they are parallel to each other. Install the carpet, the carpet under the sofa to define a space for conversations. 5th Collections (board, books, figurines) set together or in the same place. If you collect, dolls or books find their place in the same apartment. Will attract attention and will look more artistically interesting if they are placed together rather than separate them and arrange around the home. For example, if you have bookshelves around the fireplace, it would be a good place for a specialized collection of statues or attractive dolls. 6th Set the element of surprise. The room given life when a positive decision is made.If the room, a modern, highlight them and bold antique. Place the statue of animals under the big piano in order to add an element of surprise. 7th Edges. Even one piece of furniture, like a special chair or table can give the charm of the room if they are placed at an angle. Imagine a room where the table, sofa set straight, and some of the TV is tilted. 8th Consider a small lamp. Add warmth to the dining room with tall, thin lamps on each side. These lamps can be found at yard sales in supermarkets. The choice of lamps that cast a yellow shadow will add meaning, warmth and welcome in the dining room.9th Artwork onto the walls at eye level. A common mistake is setting too high art on the walls. Hang them at eye level (in some cases a little more), so the pieces are part of the decor of the room, the room. If you grouped artwork, place them on the first floor, experimenting with deployment, before they hang on the walls of the 10th Monotonous decor look spacious. Have you ever walked into a home where the rooms are spacious and look like they belong together? White walls, white sofa, white coffee table can look stunning, especially if you are accented with pillows in colors or other additives.Use earthy tones like brown or tan say. These ideas provide a good start for the layout design of your home. Above all, keep in mind that planning for your own style, and it will add uniqueness to any interior


Laminate as a modern and elegant flooring has many advantages and a large number of decorative options, and therefore are increasingly use in furnishing both residential as well as commercial space. Unlike parquet, laminate is layered panel made from wood fibers whose upper layer treated to faithfully imitate a tree structure, with acquired visual effect as with parquet wood flooring and even ceramic tile.

 Laminates are suitable for various types of spaces: offices (offices), restaurants, schools (classrooms), gymnasium, sports hall, etc. as well as residential spaces - hallways, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms. With regard to the possibility of "lifting" of the floor due to the large amounts of moisture, laminate is not recommended for bathrooms, saunas and rooms where a swimming pool.
 Laying laminate is very simple, and its subsequent removal. Laminate is no need sanded or painted, depending on the species, you must not stick. Thanks to its layered structure, the laminate is izuzezno durable and resistant.
 advantage compared to laminate flooring, in addition to much simpler installation and maintenance, and the fact that laminate has a lot more affordable prices.  Laminate can be divided into two basic groups: laminates that are bonded and laminates that are placed "click" system. "Click" the system is faster and easier, do not use any glue, and is therefore under applicable immediately after installation. niceties of laminate  Laminate flooring are a product of high technology and modern production, alternative to traditional hardwood floors, in all its characteristics significantly outperforms flooring than conventional materials (flooring, strip flooring, other floor coverings made ​​of wood). Easy and quick to install, have a perfect surface treatment, easy to maintain, long-lasting. Besides the above laminates have many advantages - are resistant to impact, pressure, high temperature, moisture and spills, the various chemicals from the household.  easy to maintain - just overwrite them moist (drained) cloth (although it is recommended to use funds intended for maintenance of laminate).Finally, as a special advantage laminate highlights the great variety of colors and patterns. TIPS FOR MAINTAINING  Thanks to its smooth surface, laminate flooring does not retain dust and other particles.  Laminate can maintain a vacuum cleaner or a soft cloth. For "wet" maintenance, water dodjte dedicated resources to maintain laminate cloth Drain well and wipe it with laminate. When you're done with a damp cloth, wipe the floor again with a dry cloth. Do not laminate for use any funds provided for the maintenance of flooring (polish, gloss, etc.)  in areas that are often dirty (entrances, corridors) place mats, in order to avoid the creation of stubborn dirt. types of laminate and maintenance  as Laminate Floor Lining consists 80-90% drveta.Tolika concentration is the reason he took on the good, and bad qualities of wood. Laminate is getting pressed wood products at high temperature with the addition of synthetic resins. The final appearance is obtained by gluing four basic layers that are very stressed each rate. The obtained coating possesses exceptional qualities such as resistance to mechanical (insensitive to impacts and scratches), chemical (not changing under the influence of ultraviolet rays) and thermal (resistant to temperatures up to 180 º C) influences.Laminate in Europe began using in the early seventies, a real breakthrough in the market has gone through the eighties when the mass started to be used in America.  composed of four or five layers.  • Wearing course, these are different types of panels made ​​of wood prerađevina.One wear all other layers and give strength laminate. In addition they must provide a good grip on the surface, stability and moisture resistance. For the production of laminates, commonly used HDF board (fiberboard high density - high density fibreboard). They are characterized by a homogeneous structure, high bending strength and very good submission pressure. In a much lesser extent, the use of MDF (medium density panels such as plywood medium density fibreboard). They are much worse than the HDF board in terms of technical characteristics, and there is a tendency of their long-term withdrawal from the market in terms of supporting materials.  • decorative layer, the paper on which was printed the appropriate design and laminate gives a nice aesthetic look. Set on the top of the support plate. On it can be printed images of different kinds of wood, various quality, then they can be applied images of marble or other natural stone, and simply can not be printed and colored tones with some decorations.The possibilities are limitless.  • Midfielder layer is located between the bearing and the decorative layer. It is adhesive based on melamine and polyurethane and serves well to combine these two layers.Protective layer (overlay) This layer is applied over the decorative layer. His role is to provide the necessary features laminate such as hardness, wear resistance, light, moisture, dirt and the like. It usually consists of a light translucent paper sheet which is soaked artificial resins (usually melamine resin). By adding some other impurities, such as aluminum oxide, increases its resistance to scratching.In addition to that it can be injected, using a steel cylinder, fine channels and creases that can be felt on the natural tree. How to see through the holes in the film coincide with the colors and patterns on paper, wood imitation is complete.  • Balancing layer, this layer is applied to the underside of the laminate. Serves primarily to balance tensions over the layers on top of the base course, also protects against moisture from the substrate. This prevents a dent in the laminate sequence moisture absorption. The layer is made ​​of paper impregnated with resin.  • soda paper, special type laminates have another layer that is located between the supporting layer and the layer dekorativnnog. This layer consists of one or more natornskih paper. These laminates are extremely resistant surface and are used mainly for flooring public institutions where there are high demands in terms of wear resistance. These laminates are known under the designation HPPL (High presssure lamina). Laminate is classified into several types in relation to the composition, the types of synthetic resins which are used, used pressure and temperature of the extruded. • HPL (high pressure laminates) strongly pressed laminate  • LPH (low pressure laminates) poorly molded laminate  • LPL melamine, used only in the production of melamine resins  • LPL polyester, its composition is dominated by polyester resin  • LPL melamine - acrylic, chemical mixtures keselinsko - acrylic and acrylic - melamine resin  laminate are classified according to: terms of its usage, the two groups laminata.Svaka of them is divided into three subgroups with respect to frequency space.  • Laminates which bear labels 21, 22, 23 are intended for home use  • Laminates with markings 31, 32, 33 used for public spaces where certain properties,  such as hardness and wear resistance, must be specifically stated.  First consider where you will set up a laminate floor. Once this is known, it is necessary to choose a product that is suitable for a particular purpose. It does matter whether you will use laminate in the living room, bedroom or in the hallway.The floors in the living room are more used than they do in the bedroom, while the laminate on the stairs more exposed to wear and tear than the one in the living room. Should select the type of laminate that will be resistant to a certain level of wear, and yet that can not be bought extremely resistant laminate for which there is no need, thus saving some funds.  ideal conditions for laminate temperature between 18 and 20 º C with a relative humidity of 40 to 70 º C. In conditions of increased humidity in the winter it is necessary to boost heating because too much moisture can cause swelling of the laminate. Conversely, at low humidity, which can be caused by under-floor heating, suggests the use of mint air. Reduced humidity can cause shrinkage and separation of laminate moldings.  New laminate has a hard, impervious surface dirt and poorly adherent to it. For occasional cleaning should use one of the appropriations that can be found on the market. Surface is enough to overwrite drained, yet moist cloth. Under no conditions should not use wax or polish. Also, sandblasting and polishing is not allowed. In addition, avoid the use of steam cleaners.