četvrtak, 11. travnja 2013.

Bacteria in Your Kitchen

Believe it or not, but in our homes has several different germs, bacteria and toxic substances than outside them. Declare war intruders and make a home healthy and pleasant to live. 
One out of ten people each year suffer from food poisoning, most often at home. In 80 percent of cases, the cause of poisoning comes from your own kitchen. But there are simple rules of hygiene and the maintenance of order that most problems can be avoided.

cooked and prepared food is not put in contact with raw, yet unprepared food. When you save the remains of cooked food, cool them as quickly as possible, preferably in less than 90 minutes. Speed ​​up the process so that a dish of food you put in cold water.
Do not leave the liquid and mushy food in the cupboards, as they are an ideal place for the development of germs. Remove food, sanitize cabinets and leave them to dry.
pets away from the kitchen, and after touching any pet, no matter how clean and sleek, hand wash with soap. According to research, one in five families allow their pets to walk through the area where food is prepared. That is unacceptable, if you want to have a healthy kitchen. most types of Escherichia is completely harmless, but a few are dangerous and should be taken food in the fridge Many of us are not sure how long food can be safely stored in the refrigerator. On average refrigerator temperature (5 degrees Celsius), leftovers can be held on one day. Minced meat and sausages are kept for two days, chicken and shrimp up to three days, and the meat in large chunks to five days. Milk, cheese, butter and eggs do not use after the expiry date printed on the packaging. TIPS FOR CLEANING To clean various surfaces in the kitchen, do not use the same cloth. If chopping board, work surfaces and tiles clean the same cloth, will expand germs throughout the kitchen. Regularly replace kitchen cloths and sponges. Damp dishtowel best place for breeding of germs and can contain huge quantities. When you wash your hands, the better it is dry with paper towels. To clear dishes do not use cloth. Dishes washed with clean hot water and allow to dry. DANGEROUS HANDLES Handles are the most suitable place for the transfer of germs. Nevertheless, showed a Western studies, as many as 25% of people should never clean. ADVICE MORE for food storage bags you use to maintain food fresh. They slow down the aging process food as they prevent moisture penetration and the formation of bacteria. Do not use the same utensils for all kinds of foods. For example, cutting different kinds of foods, use different boards (can be different colors to make them easier to distinguish), which will prevent mutual contamination.source of bacteria and infection can also be containers for salt and pepper. Used by the entire family and guests and are always close to the food, so they need to be regularly maintained. Nevertheless, even by 84% of people do not clean or once a week

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